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Approved Minutes 09/17/09
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
September 17, 2009

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 312, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Chuck Puleo, Chair, John Moustakis, Pam Lombardini, Nadine Hanscom, Gene Collins, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready, and Tim Kavanaugh. ~Also present:  Lynn Duncan, City Planner, Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner and Stacey Dupuis, Clerk.        Absent:  David Weiner

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the July 1, 2009 Planning Board/City Council Joint Hearing were reviewed.  

There being no comments on this matter, a motion was made by Nadine Hanscom to accept the minutes, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved unanimously.

The minutes of the July 9, 2009 special Planning Board meeting were reviewed.  

There being no comments on this matter, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to accept the minutes, seconded by Gene Collins and approved unanimously.

The minutes of the regular Planning Board meeting on July 16, 2009 were reviewed.  

There being no comments on this matter, a motion was made by Nadine Hanscom to accept the minutes, seconded by John Moustakis and approved unanimously.

Wireless Communication Facility Special Permit- Petition of Goodman Networks, on behalf of Clearwire (an affiliate of Sprint-Nextel) for the property located at 217-219 Essex Street (Assessor’s Map 35, Lot 251).  The proposed project includes the installation of four (4) new backhaul antennas to the roof of the existing building, and ancillary equipment stored in Sprint’s existing cabinets within the building.

Heather Carlisle, Esq. presented on behalf of Goodman networks on behalf of Clearwire.  She stated that Clearwire is licensed by the FCC to provide broadband internet services.  She says Sprint has ownership in Clearwire and Clearwire wants to update Sprint’s antennas by replacing their existing antennas with new ones at 217-219 Essex Street.  She says this will give them a two mile service radius in Salem.  She explains the internet service Clearwire provides – their target market is business and residential, and can also benefit police, as many now have laptops in their police cars.  Ms. Carlisle indicates the plans, showing the roof plan proposal on page A1.  She says the plan is to replace the existing antennas with the same type and add equipment to an existing stack.  There will also be four new backhaul antennas, which are 4 round discs, installed.  

John Moustakis doesn’t think they will be very visible from the roof. Chuck Puleo asked if they have done structural analysis.  Heather Carlisle said that they haven’t yet done the structural analysis to ensure the roof can support the equipment, but said that they will be doing that soon.  Nadine Hanscom questioned approving the plan prior to structural analysis, if the building is found to not be structurally sound and there are changes to the plan, Clearwire would have to come back before the Planning Board.  There was a brief discussion on this issue.  Tim Kavanaugh said that the building inspector could not issue them a building permit until they had the Wireless Communication Facilities Special Permit in hand, and that if there are any changes made to the plans because of structural issues, they would still have to come back to the Board.  Christine Sullivan asked if changes were needed to the plans, could the Planning Department simply review them and determine if they were significant enough to have to come back before the Board?  Danielle McKnight said the department often approved changes deemed insignificant by the City Planner.  Christine Sullivan said she would not want the Board to have to review minor changes.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to approve the proposed project, seconded by Christine Sullivan, and approved 8-0 (Lombardini, Sullivan, Moustakis, Ready, Kavanaugh, Puleo, Collins, and Hanscom in favor, none opposed).   

Wireless Communication Facility Special Permit – ~Petition of Goodman Networks, on behalf of Clearwire (an affiliate of Sprint-Nextel) for the property located at 488 Rear Highland Avenue (AKA 0 Cain Road) (Assessor’s Map 3, Lot 139). ~The proposed project includes the installation of five (5) new backhaul antennas and three (3) panel antennas to the roof of the existing building, and ancillary equipment on a 10’ x 20’ concrete pad within the compound.

Heather Carlisle, Esq. presented on behalf of Goodman Networks.  She explained that this site at 488 Rear Highland Ave has an existing tower.  They want to add 3 panel antennas at 86 ft and 5 backhaul circular at 90 ft to the existing tower.  She said they will also add ancillary equipment on a 10’ x 20’ concrete pad and two cabinets.

Chuck Puleo noted that there is no building currently on this site; Ms. Carlisle confirmed that this was true.

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to approve the proposed project and seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved 8-0 (Lombardini, Sullivan, Moustakis, Ready, Kavanaugh, Puleo, Collins, and Hanscom in favor, none opposed).   

Form A Application for Endorsement of Plan Believed Not to Require Approval- 1 and 5 Florence Street (Map 34 Lots 273 and 102).  Benny J. Fisheries Ltd. And Anthony J. Picariello represented by Attorney George Atkins.

Danielle McKnight explained that Attorney George Atkins asked to extend action on this application to October 15thbecause of questions that had arisen about potential access rights of other abutters to the property. Lynn Duncan noted that extending the action on this application to October 15th would not actually allow the Board time to file its decision with the City Clerk by that date, since the next meeting is on October 15th and the decision would not be filed until the following day. She recommended that the Board vote to extend the deadline to October 16th.  

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Tim Kavanaugh to extend the deadline on action on the application to October 16th, seconded by Gene Collins and unanimously approved.

Site Plan Review and Drive-Through Facility Special Permit- Fast Food- The proposed project is a fast food facility with a drive-through on the site of a previously approved bank with a drive-through on the property located at 142 Canal Street (Assessors Map 33, Lot 006).  Snakebite Realty LLC.  Applicant has requested to continue the hearing to 10/15/09.

Danielle McKnight explained that Dan DiLullo has asked to continue the hearing to October 15th, after his traffic study has been completed.  

There being no further comments, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to continue the hearing to October 15th, seconded by Gene Collins and unanimously approved.    

Old/New Business

Since she is retiring from the Planning Board, Chuck Puleo commended Pam Lombardini on her years of service on the Planning Board and to the City of Salem and presented her with accolades.


There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to adjourn, seconded by Nadine Hanscom and unanimously approved.  

Meeting adjourned 7:40 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Stacey Dupuis
Planning Board Clerk

Approved by the Salem Planning Board 10/15/09